The language of music begins with a discovery of how sounds can change. There is no need for a separate musical instrument for these classes, the only instrument required is your voice! With the Loving guidance of Mrs. H, a healthy approach to singing and an introduction to the changing sounds in music is explored through storytelling, singing, movement, art, and more! A gentle and holistic approach to music literacy, The Magical Language of Music courses are not one in which ideas are committed to memory... they are learned by Heart.
In this session, children will be introduced to the idea of how music is created through fast sounds and slow sounds. Mrs. H will share a short story that embodies this concept, followed by activities that will allow the students to experience in their bodies and voices the idea of fast and slow. Inspired by blending the Kodály approach to music education and the Waldorf approach to literacy, this holistic method provides students with an enjoyable experience that allows them to conceptualize this important concept that helps to lay the foundation for musical literacy.
Supplies needed for this class:
For each class:
Main Lesson Book (A sketchbook works great, or loose papers that can be then bound when completed)
Good quality crayons
For our third class meeting, your child will also need:
water based tempera paint (3-4 colors)
1 sheet thick painting paper
small disposable cups (2 cups per paint color)
4 paint stirrers (whatever you have on hand...popsicle sticks, straws, coffee stirrers, etc)
tape (invisible or masking tape)
painting board (a kitchen cutting board also works well)
paper towels
freestanding/tabletop easel (or a willing helper to hold the painting board at an angle!)
Also recommended, but not required, is the picture book, Pentatonica. The picture book can be found here.
Are you ordering via a school or institution? Please clickherefor ordering information.
This 30-minute class meets once a week for 4 weeks
*Please note that the times listed are in the Pacific Time Zone. These times will adjust to your local time once you click on the link.
Is your child enjoying the exploration of fast and slow? Sign up now for next month's class where we will be exploring loud and soft!
The Magical Language of Music classes are proud to be a part of the Musica Anima online collective. Click the button below to view some of the other amazing classes and materials offered by Musica Anima instructors!